Before & Afters

Looking for the six pack

Emsculpt is FDA-cleared for the strengthening, toning and firming of the abdomen, making it ideal for patients who aren’t candidates for current body shaping procedures and those who are physically fit. The new technology helps fit patients enhance abdominal contouring results, while increasing their muscle tone and strength without any downtime.


Non-invasive butt lift (Non-surgical BBL)

Thanks to JLo and the Kardashians, it is no secret that women want a more toned and attractive derriere; Emsculpt® can help you achieve a more attractive, firmer, raised and figure appropriate backside without the need for surgery. With the rising concerns and surgical risks of Brazilian butt lifts (BBL) we can finally offer a safe, effective and viable option for improving the look and feel of your derriere. Emsculpt® (buttocks) + 4 sessions = Non-invasive butt lift (Non-surgical BBL).


During a consultation with Dr. Sarraga and our Emsculpt technicians, we can create the right treatment package that fits your cosmetic goals and lifestyle. Emsculpt is one of the latest and most effective ways to tone and refine your treatment areas (Abdomen, Buttocks, Thighs and soon the Arms and Calves) while causing fat elimination at the same time. To learn more about Emsculpt and begin planning your treatment package, schedule a consultation at our Aventura office.